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Before the pandemic around 12 million adults saw their GPs with mental health problems each year – most of these suffer from anxiety and depression, much of which is stress related. 

According to the Office of National Statistics, the numbers of people suffering anxiety or depression has increased exponentially


It will come as no surprise that the numbers of those reporting anxiety to their GP has increased and although improvements have been reported since the lifting of the last lockdown, the numbers have yet to return to pre pandemic levels.

Hypnotherapy works with clients to enable them to gain perspective, a sense of calm and confidence to know they can cope and move forward.

 Day to day life can add its fair share of stressors. When we sleep at night our brain should process the events of the day naturally and convert them to a narrative memory so that when we wake in the morning we should be fresh and not weighed down by the emotion felt by each incident of the previous day. This is the case as long as our stress stays within safe and manageable levels.  Unfortunately as we know from recent times, this is not always possible when we have too many stressors. Over time the compounded effect of stressful events can cause overload resulting in anxiety; panic attacks and sometimes physical and emotional breakdown.

Hypnosis can help reduce anxiety using relaxation and visualisation techniques which assists you to take control of your thoughts and eliminate the clutter.

Hypnotherapy can help by combining the best aspects of Solution Focused Brief Therapy; Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and NLP along with Hypnosis. This will encourage you to make the logical and correct assumptions from the intellectual part of your brain and to see situations clearly and subjectively.   It can help you to make the right decisions using sound judgement rather than based on an emotional and confused perspective.

Hypnotherapy will not come up with the solutions for you – it can awaken your own confidence and empowerment in your own resources to help you make the correct decisions in a calm and effective way.  It can work with you to control your anxiety levels and have a calmer, more confident approach to all situations.   We are unique as individuals and the number of Hypnotherapy sessions you need will depend on the degree of anxiety.  Solution Focused Brief Hypnotherapy treatment will generally require between 6-10 sessions although more may be necessary depending on the circumstances. The sessions are accompanied by a download which forms part of the programme helping recreate the calm state experienced during the hypnotherapy session. 

Useful articles:

“Mind Over Medicine”

“Hypnosis: Focusing subconscious on change”

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